Oct 16
Controlled burn of oil on water in the gulf.

Diane Phillips: Will These 36,000 Voices Be Heard In The Argument About Oil?

Oct. 16, 2020 – Diane Philips, The Tribune

WE are so busy glaring at COVID-19 we are about to be blindsided by something that could take a greater toll on The Bahamas for decades to come – a seemingly imminent plan to drill for oil.

For years, any talk of drilling for oil felt eons away, like a visit from dreaded in-laws that still had a chance of being cancelled.

Now, Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) has said it plans to start exploratory drilling as soon as December. There are those who are not convinced it will be that soon. Drilling for oil is not like drilling a hole in drywall to hang a picture (though you could probably punch the drywall with a #2 pencil). The point is, it’s expensive. Whether BPC has the ability to drill this year or next is not the important question.