Oct. 1, 2020 – Norman Trabulsy Jr., The Tribine
The rest of the world is finally catching on. There is now widespread and vocal global opposition to the continued burning of fossil fuels. Oil, while having launched our industrial revolution, has now been shown, in no uncertain terms, to be a major destructive force on our planet. The effects are well documented. Be they atmospheric changes, catastrophic oil spills, destruction of habitat, the fouling of our air, the insidious effects on our health, or the violation of indigenous people’s rights, there is more than enough evidence which shows that the world needs to end our dependence on oil, and now. The scientists know this, the major corporations know this, most educated and well-read people know this. And yet, here in The Bahamas, we are still behind the world in coming to this realisation. There is a serious disconnect.

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