The compelling documentary, "My Island My Future," produced by Eleutheran students Taryn McKinney-Lambert and Kieon Sands, clinched the top spot in the 'Best Documentary' category at the Kids N' Film…
Advocates say, ‘Oil is no way to secure a clean water future.’ UN Headquarters, New York - A delegation from Our Islands Our Future (OIOF) is joining governments and stakeholders…
13 July 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Rashema Ingraham, Waterkeepers Bahamas (242) 373-7558; Casuarina McKinney-Lambert, BREEF (242) 327-9000, Chris Wilke, Waterkeeper Alliance +1 (206) 851- 9483, Advocates…
Executive Summary The Our Islands Our Future coalition has researched Bahamian law, international agreements, recent policy announcements and global trends toward oil drilling policy and proposes a pathway forward for…
12 January 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Activists cite 6-month anniversary of license expiration, global carbon reduction imperative, need to sustain Blue Economy livelihoods NASSAU - The Our Islands Our Future…
August 22, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACTS: Rashema Ingraham, Waterkeepers Bahamas (242) 727-9006; Casuarina McKinney-Lambert, BREEF (242) 327-9000, Chris Wilke, Waterkeeper Alliance +1 (206) 851- 9483, Coalition…
Most Honourable Prime Minister Minnis, Members of Parliament, Cabinet Ministers and candidates for office,As we know you agree, we have a moral imperative to act on climate change, to preserve…
On the 6th of May, 2021, Our Islands, Our Future sent the following letter to the Commonwealth Secretariat requesting support in our fight against oil exploration in The Bahamas. Dear…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 8 February 2021 Oil drilling opponents said the February 8, 2021 investment statement on the London Stock Exchange by Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) announcing that they are…
BPC joins and will use technicality to derail legal proceedings NASSAU – On Friday past Supreme Court Judge Petra Hanna-Adderley delivered her ruling granting the summons by Bahamas Offshore Petroleum…